Sunday, March 25, 2007

I was counting the number of Mondays that I haven't been at work. 30?

A sunset in San Francisco, Mexico! 3 kms north of Sayulita is a small village of San Francisco. The sunsets are gorgeous, the margaritas wonderful, and the dining at La Ole Ricas is fantastic.
Martin & Deirdrie, Don Richardo, Gary & Nancy, Pete & Sharon, Brenda & Su, and myself are spreading the Kelley Bros. name during dinner.

On St. Patty's Day, well almost, Brenda and Sue arrived from a wintry Harrisburg, PA. Almost, because their flight was cancelled due to a snowstorm. They arrived the following day with great spirits and some anxiety as I drove them into the jungle and up to Casa Pacifica.
After a night of strange sounds from the never-t0-be-tamed wild cotamundi clock, they quickly adjusted to their surroundings.
The week was filled with a variety of activities including some golf, (par, par, par, par,....) some salsa dancing at Don Pedro's, a leisure stroll to Carrisitos beach, and 2 for 1 margaritas at Macondos.
Their week ended with a round of golf at the Flamingo Country Club and a night in Puerto Vallarta. Again, we look forward to a return visit in 2008.

On the 12th of March Sergei and Shona arrived at Casa Pacifica. Adventurous and Alaskan might describe these two funsters.
It's worth a trip to Mexico just to read their entry into the guest log book.
The blender got a workout for their 5-day stay.
We certainly and thoroughly enjoyed their company. We look forward to their return next year.

Friday, March 23, 2007

So what do an Iguana, a police car, and playing the guitar all have in common? MEXICO!
All of the following four sunsets were taken from Casa Pacifica. What a treat. Disregard the date on two of them. Operator error.

Friday, March 23, 2007

I was recently reminded that I hadn't posted any new pics for a month. My BAD! Ok, lots of catching up to do. This series includes a 'common' sunset from the trailer park. I will include a bunch of sunsets, because they are so awesome from Mexico.

First big event of the month of March, Pete, Sharon, and Kali arrived. The picture shows Pete wearing a neat little spaghetti strapped blouse, so cute. Mary, a friend from Wiscosnin showed up and the fun began. (continued)

Juan the blanket man is hard at work showing off one of the many colorful 'blankets' that are sold in Sayulita and many other towns in Mexico. For you senior, almost free!