Tuesday, March 01, 2011

And this is how you sample tequila....breathe in...then exhale. Kinda like normal life supporting activity.

About a 1000 ft. elevation, in the middle of almost nowhere, our bus driver and guide find a small tequilla 'factory' where after 5 minutes of lecture we were able to sample almond, mandarin, reposado, anejo, and a coffee/chocolate blend of this wonderful nectar. Sweet.

Here we have Len making sure that the bus was in full compliance with WA DOT regulations.

Bec had the bbq chicken, while Len and I devoured the shrimp kabobs and bacon-wrapped camarones. Excellent. A bit pricey at 160-200 pesos per meal, but worth it.

The name says it all! Not sure what it says, but this cool restaurant in the mountains was awesome. You also get to enjoy the Zip liners as they zoom past you.

A totally different view of Los Arcos.....from the closest land point. See Day 4 for the previous pics.

Just south of Playa Mismaloya, is this gorgeous beach which is called Boca de Tomatlan. Breathtaking!

Juan Marcos standing on the bridge on the south end of the Malecon in PVR.

Bec with a look of fear as we cross the swaying bridge located next to the large 2-story market called The Mercado in PVR.

One of the famous landmarks in PVR.......Our Lady of Guadalupe.....a very interesting doom and story that goes with it. Gotta book your tour for next year.

Miguel, our tour guide, briefs us on proper shoplifting techniques next to the Malecon.

Day 7 of 9 of Bec/Len visit. Friday, Feb 25, 2011
8:45am We arrive at the pick up spot, The Decamoron Hotel on the very south side of Bucerias.
Today was going to be a new one, as I have never taken the City Tour. We returned about 9 hours later. A long but interesting and fun day. Cost of tour itself: free Lunch: 600 pesos. Memories: priceless.

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