Monday, August 30, 2010

Taylor, David, and Tyler enjoying menu items at The Blind Pig. Pub #1 on our tour. Go to for even more info.

Anna Schweig, my favorite bartender in Champaign, delightfully pours another glass of joy!

If you look closely, this soon to be priceless menu was autographed by Anna.

August 27-29, 2010

Welcome to the University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana campus! It was a 3oo mile weekend road trip to visit David and his cohorts as they begin their adventure of obtaining their Master's degree.
The Silver Sipper performed flawlessly as it slid down the WI and IL highways. Average mpg was 56 on the trip down. With a sticker rating of 48 highway and 53 city, I am more than pleased with the performance.
Our first stop on my inaugural visit Friday night was The Blind Pig. The first of many glasses was the Anderson Valley Anniversary Imperial IPA......most excellent!

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