Monday, May 07, 2007

Still Monday, May 7th, 2007

The adventure today continues with a metro ride to a hilltop park called Parc Guell, located in Gracia, one of Barecelonas most distinctive suburbs.

"Surrealist Salvador Dali was filled with "unforgettable anguish" as he strolled among the uncanny architectural forms of this hilltop park, Antonio Gaudi's extraordinary pice of landscape design. "

The rocky ridge which has a magnificent prospect of Barcelona and the Mediterranean, was bought in 1895 by Gaudi's rich patron, Eusebi Guell, with the idea of developing an English-style garden city. The project flopped; only 3 houses of the proposed 60 were built, and the area was taken over by the city council as a park in 1923.

Great views, colorful statues, and people.

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