Monday, June 21, 2010

Let me present to you, The Povoa Family! Augusto, Jeanette, Ully, and Ivy attempting to enjoy a San Diego evening. (hey, it was cold!)
You can just feel the smiles beaming across the aisle.

Does anybody want to eat this stuff? What is it? What just happened here?

ACGC.....All Campus Graduation Celebration.....was held on Friday night, June 11, 2010.....I hope I don't offend anybody, but it was one of the worst displays of rude and lemming-like crowd behavior. I'm confident that the organizers did not plan on half the crowd which grew selfish and crude leaving somewhere in the middle of the planned presentations to 'gang' up on an imaginary line drawn by the people in yellow 'staff' jackets. Granted I found myself in the same cluster, before realizing what was happening. I slithered to the back of the crowd to remove myself and observed stupidity at it's finest.
Before the final words from the keynote speaker, which is another story, could hit the grass, the frenzied crowd literally raced towards the scattered tables of 'delectable' snacks grabbing everything their arms could hold......a ridiculous display of a pathetic avaricious behavior.
If it weren't for the fact that David had spent over $50 on tickets, we wouldn't have even sampled the 'frosty' 10 ounce plastic glasses of pre-poured Coors Light. Spilling the brew was even acceptable. Very very sad. My letter to the planning committee will be long.
Very disappointing, so disappointing, that collectively, 8-10 of us quickly decided that great pizza and even better beer could be had in Del Mar. (just North of the campus)

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