Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I suspect that Debbie wouldn't approve of this one.

Don't stay light, Phil!

Martes, Marzo, Nueve, Mil Diez
A cool morning, perfect after yesterday’s sweltering humidity. Ok, I’m in Mexico and complaining about the weather, who’s going to listen to that? Especially from Wisconsin! Enough.
Got Phil to the airport yesterday, Really, I went to the airport this time! And in style using the Mexican bus system. Some of the seats were torn out of the back, so there was a perfect place for luggage. Arrived in good time and quickly discovered that all but the United Airlines check-in were nearly empty. You guessed it, Phil was on United. After about 20 minutes, and moving 5 feet, I decided, as senior tour director, that my job was done, and after a brief ‘adios’, I was back on a bus heading North to Bucerias. The end of a good visit with a great friend. Now for more groceries and a siesta.
Wait, one side thought, Buck Euchre, the card game. It became a nightly diversion for Phil and I, and I must admit, that Phil beat me 4 times during the trip. Yes, I know, humiliating. However, this one particular game, now captured forever in my blog archives, I did defeat him, after formally announcing after the 2nd hand that I was “P’ed” off. (hence the circle around the letter P) Only those that play this game will even remotely find humor in this story. Ok, back to the daily report.
The office was open, JP had a cold one waiting, and in the blink of an eye, Vista was up and running. (8 minutes flat) The story of my trip to San Sebastián is still incomplete, so after some cropping and resizing, I published another entry.
5:15pm and I headed over to The Shamrock in order to get back to my daily routine. Lol Met two very interesting personas: a guy from near Toronto via Belfast and his business partner, Debbie. (see pic)
A brief “Hola, Where you from?” led to 2 hours of light political banter. Very enjoyable. I learned that they frequently travel to this area in search of properties/condos for fractional ownership. Some in PV, others in Nuevo V., and a few just north of Bucerias.
Tres Leche y vino blanco y movie.
Buenos Noches!

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