Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday is finally here! TGIS…. Except there is one problem (for retirees) there are 6 Saturdays in a week. The coffee is brewing, the photos are being sorted, and the hammering and pounding of the workers next door has begun. Yeah! Welcome to Mexico. I seem to attract noise, like a hydrant to a dog.
Today’s entry includes a few shots of the neighborhood: Terralta II Since I haven’t completely walked it, I haven’t counted or memorized the streets, but later this week, month, or year, I will. It’s clean, it’s small, it’s comfortable and it has no high-rises except for the two they began building a few years ago near the entrance.
It has a gated entrance which obviously doesn’t keep out all the ‘trouble’ as they let me pass several times a day.
Buenos Dias!

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