Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday, Jan 22, 2011
Sabado, Enero Veinti-dos, 2011

So what does Juan Marcos do all day? (I’ve been asked)
Although this may not be the most interesting entry, I thought I would make a simple chronological log of today’s activities to answer this question and perhaps yours. (hey, don’t yawn, yet)

8:00 am Meditations
8:40 am Walk to town. With the sore toe, this now takes about 20 minutes vs. 10.

9:00- 10:00 am Panino’s for coffee and internet. Read, reply, and compose new emails. Finish blog entry and publish, download stock market data from Friday’s close. Engage in Yahoo IM with anybody on line. (Ross yesterday, Cathy today) (25 pesos) Download a devotion for later.

10:15 am The Fish Market (Pescado) to buy ½ kilo of camarones/shrimp. (50 pesos). Tonight’s meal starts with my Juan Marcos Marinara Jitomates y Jalapeno salsa and camarones is the featured ‘meat’. The shrimp in Mexico are wonderful, fresh, and very local. One must incorporate them into their menus while living here.

10:30 am Pateleria por Tres Leche con Capacino (30 pesos) This was my 2nd trip to this lovely bakery. In preparation for my upcoming dinner challenges, I am trying several places and kinds of desserts. They are affordable and a lot easier than trying to make them myself. (hey, I wrote the rules for the challenge)
10:45 am Take Bus, since foot is hurting, spend 5 pesos for the 8 block trip to entrance to Terralta II (my condo)
11:00 – 11:59 am Blog composition at Condo, download any photos, crop and resize them. Check over list, cross off any completed items, and add new ones for this afternoon or tomorrow.

12:00 Noon – 12:30pm. Start my marinara sauce for tonight’s dinner. Prepare jitomates with olive oil and secret seasonings. Fire up oven to 200 degrees C. (metric in Mexico) 1 kilo of jitomates (9 large Romas) = 11.44 pesos or 95 cents. 3 large Jalapenos = 1.31 pesos or 11 cents. 1 large onion/cebolla = 2.93 pesos or 25 cents. Cheap? No, Frugal. (photo of prep)

12:30 -1:30pm First siesta while the rooms are filled with the savory smells of roasted tomatoes and jalapenos.

1:30- 2:30 pm Finish marinara and clean Shrimp/Camarones for tonight’s dinner. Make sure I have sufficient wine. I am a bit spoiled with the shrimp in WI as they are often cleaned, peeled, and deveined. Not here. It’s a bit time consuming but worth it. I recommend a sharp paring knife and bandaids. It takes longer than you think to clean 48 shrimp. (yes I counted. With dessert and either a salad or soup, this should be plenty for 4 persons)

2:30 pm Check on laundry, take off line, fold. (cross of checklist) It is a luxury item to have a washer and solar dryer in your backyard. Thanks Cathy for the suggestion.

3:00 – 3:30 2nd well deserved siesta. (don’t groan)

3:30 – 4:00 pm Shower & Shave. My day planner says I get a new razor today. (one every 12 days) How exciting! I warned you about how interesting this might become!

4 pm Walk to town.

4:20 pm Joe Crows for a cold one and post this incredible entry. Lol

5:00 pm Heading to The Shamrock

6:00 pm Head to beach for sunset and a sip of tequila before heading ‘home’.

Buenos Noches!

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